There are various opinions about the number of Ushibuka Haiya verse, but this time I will introduce the lyrics up to 8.

At the last festival of the Heisei Era, the lyrics used by the Ushibuka Haiya Preservation Society were transcribed.

1.ハイヤエーハイヤ ハイヤで今朝出した船はエー どこの港に サーマ 入れたやらエー
[囃子]エーサ 牛深三度行きゃ三度裸 鍋釜売っても酒盛りゃしてこい 戻りにゃ本渡瀬戸徒歩(かち)わたり

I hospitalized him late last night while dancing Haiya. And I sent him out this morning in the southerly wind, but did he get into some harbor safely? 


If you go to Ushibuka three times, you will be naked all the time, so it is a fun place, so even if you sell household tools such as pot and kettle, you should drink a lot. Even if you become penniless, you can walk back to Hondo Seto on the way back, so you can return to your country by land.

2.ハイヤエー来たかと 思えばまた南風(はえ)の風ヨー 風さえ恋路の サーマ 邪魔をするエー 
[囃子]エーサ 黒島沖からやって来た 新造か白帆か白鷺か よくよく見たればわが夫(つま)さまだい 

You finally came! And I’m pleased, but the south wind will blow again and you will leave immediately.


The ship from Kuroshima offshore is a newly built white sail, it is as beautiful as a white egret. If I look closely, my husband is riding!

3.ハイヤエーハイヤ ハイヤで半年ゃ暮らすエー 後の半年ゃ サーマ 寝て暮らすエー 
[囃子]エーサ どっから来たかい薩摩から 碇も持たずによう来た様だい  

We sing and dance Haiya and live half a year, and sleep and live the other six months.


Where are you from? From Satsuma? Why do you come here without any money? (Strange face)

4.ハイヤエー大島(うしま) 片島片潮かけてヨ なぜに法ケ島が サーマ ほげたやらエー 
[囃子]エーサ 南風(はえ)の風やそうめん 北東風(きたごち)や出汁で 沖南風(おきばえ)いれこで味やよかろ もう一ついれこで味やよかろ 

Go from Ushibuka Seto to Oshima or Katashima during rising tide or ebb tide.


The light rain in the south wind during the rainy season is like somen, and the boat can be put out in the northeast wind. The time of the south wind is stormy and the boat can not be put out, so it will be fun to spend time for married couples.

5.ハイヤエーたんと 売れても売れない日でもエー 同じ調子の サーマ 風車エー 


It’s only normal that emotions come and go repeatedly, so if you’re worried about that ordinary event, you can’t help.


In Onuki town, dolphinfishs are available. In Mogushi town, mackerel can be harvested. In Miyazaki, you eat bonito bones from the side. In Kaseura-cho, the blue sprat is turned upside down. When you go to Amatsuke-cho, you can get Horse mackerel. When I ate three, I became full.

6.ハイヤエー船は 出ていく帆掛けて走るエー 茶屋の娘が サーマ 出て招くエー 

The man says goodbye to the woman, raises the sail of the ship, and leaves without looking back.The woman at the teahouse is coming out and inviting the next customer!


I sent you nori but did it arrive? Yeah, it arrived. I burned my tongue when I cooked and ate it.

7.ハイヤエーまつよ まつよで黒島の松エー 上り下りの サーマ 手掛け松エー 


A woman waits for a man! It’s Kuroshima pine. Pine on Kuroshima is a sailing woman who travels.


Be pessimistic and do optimistic!

8.ハイヤエーハイヤ ハンヤはどこでもやるがエー 牛深ハイヤが サーマ 元ハイヤエー 

ハイヤハンヤは 何処でもやるが 牛深ハイヤは 元ハイヤ

Haiya dance is performed everywhere in Japan, but Ushibuka Haiya is the origin of Haiya.


Raise the river stone and you’ll find a crab. Raw grilled crabs cause food poisoning. Rotten crabs are colorless crabs.